Hello, I am in the proces of desmog, a 2000 tourer California model, Looking for confirmation that parts removed/holes plugged are correct. See pic below.
1 to airbox. Plug airbox
2 to purge lines. Plug there or at each carb.
3 to #3 intake. Plug
3 hose #11 to 3rd carb by fuel bowl. Plug
4 to #4 intake. Plug
5 to Evap can(not shown but removed).
6 to #6 intake. Plug . Installing non-vacume petcock
Not shown #10 hose to petcock, Hose from evap can to fuel tank vent. Both removed. Plug 6 holes on heads
Can i remove the #6 carb vent heses and turn down the T's or should leave um connected.
Is that it? having trouble using search . Comes back no results found. New to site.
Thanks in advance to anyone who chimes in.

Also removed the PAIR check valve cases and PAlR control valve. Am I supposed to run a line from carb 3 to fuel tanlk?